Fusion CBD

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Fusion CBD

Fusion CBD

Fusion CBD has been growing cannabinoid rich hemp and making consumer products since 2016. Hemp is grown locally then extracted and formulated into tinctures, topicals, and gummies. Fusion also offers teas, mints, and award-winning smokable flower.


The standard way to get your CBD

One of the most popular ways to get to know CBD is through our full-spectrum tinctures. In three different concentrations, you can find what works for you — naturally.


Apply CBD in your daily life


CBD isn’t just for tinctures anymore. Now you can add CBD to many aspects of your life. In the nightly bath, a part of your morning routine or any time it makes sense for you.


CBD treats while on the move


Our mints and gummies are a great way to enjoy the wellness benefits of CBD throughout your busy day. Work to stay calm and balanced with Fusion CBD.


Don’t forget fido or fluffy

You love your doggo or kitty and want them to get the most out of their life as well. We have a pet-friendly CBD to soothe your four-footed friend.


Shoppe Information

Store Category:

CBD and Hemp - Full Spectrum

Store Location:

Building D-5

Operating Hours:

Monday-Tuesday closed Wednesday-Sunday open 10:00am - 5:00pm

Contact Information

